Myth buster: Holistic treatments like massages, reflexology, and reiki are not just for the sake of personal pampering. They are truly therapeutic, and provide healing on all levels.
Holistic wellness means our body, mind, emotions, and spirit all need to be in balance. Treating yourself to one of our deeply relaxing services will give you the feeling of rejuvenation, along with longer-lasting effects from the targeting healing that will take place.
Here are 5 ways to get the spa experience with lasting health benefits!
1. A Gentle Touch with a Deep Tissue Effect:
Our Raindrop Deluxe is a gentle massage, with moderate pressure (or light pressure, if preferred). It involves a variety of essential oils, and uses reiki, acupressure, and massage techniques from head to toe. A damp compress is added to achieve deep relaxation and the release of muscle and mental tension.
2. Treat Your Feet; Feel the Difference Everywhere:
A Reflexology foot massage induces relaxation while communicating with all parts of the body, bringing them into balance. Our feet have over 7000 nerve endings, 100 muscles, tendons, ligaments, and ¼ of all our bones. Just like the main electrical panel of our entire home may be in the basement, our feet have the ability to affect the whole body.
We put our feet through so much in a day - show your feet some appreciation with a Reflexology session, and let your whole body enjoy the outcome!
3. Put Your Head at Ease, and Watch the Rest of Your Body Follow:
A head massage is extremely relaxing and stress-relieving. A Caring Light’s 30 minute head massage includes attention to the front, back, neck, shoulders, and gentle tugging of the hair to increase blood flow to the scalp. It can help release muscular and mental tension; relieve headaches; decrease fatigue, insomnia, and more. And who doesn’t love that tingly feeling you get during a head massage?
4. Find a Childlike and Carefree Feeling with Metamorphosis:
Metamorphosis is my favourite treatment to receive. For me, it evokes feelings of being a little girl again - being taken care of, and released of all of life’s responsibilities!
The main focus of Metamorphosis is to release underlying tension that has built up due to life’s chronic stressors. These stressors often lead to repetitive, negative behavioural patterns like addictions or unfavourable emotional reactions. But the byproduct of Metamorphosis is the melting away of physical tension, through the application of a soothing, light touch to the spinal reflexes of the head, back, hands, and feet.
5. One session; Twice the Therapy:
Instead of driving all over town to multiple appointments, adding extra services to your main treatment is a great way to get even more results, by making only one stop. For example, we can add Acupuncture needles during your Reiki session, Cupping to your Raindrop Deluxe Massage, or add Reflexology after your head massage (most popular add on). When booking online, just select a service, then choose from the menu of available add-ons.
Our holistic well-being loves healing treatments and pampering! Don’t sacrifice one for the other - you deserve it all!